'name' => 'Admin\Settings\Email',
'hook' => 'admin_init',
'name' => 'Admin\Settings\Captcha\Page',
'hook' => 'admin_init',
'name' => 'Admin\Settings\Payments',
'hook' => 'admin_init',
'name' => 'Admin\Tools\Tools',
'hook' => 'current_screen',
'name' => 'Admin\Payments\Payments',
'hook' => 'init',
'name' => 'Admin\Payments\Views\Overview\Ajax',
'hook' => 'admin_init',
'run' => 'hooks',
'condition' => wpforms_is_admin_ajax(),
'name' => 'Admin\Tools\Importers',
'hook' => 'admin_init',
'run' => 'load',
'condition' => wp_doing_ajax(),
'name' => 'Admin\Pages\Addons',
'id' => 'addons_page',
'name' => 'Admin\Pages\ConstantContact',
'hook' => 'admin_init',
'name' => 'Forms\Fields\Richtext\EntryViewContent',
'name' => 'Admin\DashboardWidget',
'hook' => wpforms()->is_pro() ? 'admin_init' : 'init',
'name' => 'Emails\Preview',
'hook' => 'admin_init',
'name' => 'Admin\Addons\GoogleSheets',
'hook' => 'admin_init',
'name' => 'Admin\PluginList',
'id' => 'plugin_list',
'hook' => 'admin_init',
'name' => 'Admin\Splash\SplashScreen',
'id' => 'splash_screen',
'hook' => 'admin_init',
'name' => 'Admin\Splash\SplashCache',
'id' => 'splash_cache',
'hook' => 'plugins_loaded',
'name' => 'Admin\Splash\SplashUpgrader',
'id' => 'splash_upgrader',
'hook' => 'plugins_loaded',
* Populate Caches related classes.
* @since 1.8.7
private function populate_caches() {
'name' => 'LicenseApi\PluginUpdateCache',
'id' => 'license_api_plugin_update_cache',
'name' => 'LicenseApi\PluginInfoCache',
'id' => 'license_api_plugin_info_cache',
'name' => 'LicenseApi\ValidateKeyCache',
'id' => 'license_api_validate_key_cache',
* Populate Fields related classes.
* @since 1.8.2
private function populate_fields() {
$this->classes[] = [
'name' => 'Forms\Fields\PaymentCheckbox\Field',
'hook' => 'init',
$this->classes[] = [
'name' => 'Forms\Fields\PaymentMultiple\Field',
'hook' => 'init',
$this->classes[] = [
'name' => 'Forms\Fields\PaymentSelect\Field',
'hook' => 'init',
$this->classes[] = [
'name' => 'Forms\Fields\PaymentSingle\Field',
'hook' => 'init',
$this->classes[] = [
'name' => 'Forms\Fields\PaymentTotal\Field',
'hook' => 'init',
// Load custom captcha field class.
$this->classes[] = [
'name' => 'Forms\Fields\CustomCaptcha\Field',
$this->classes[] = [
'name' => 'Forms\Fields\Layout\Field',
'hook' => 'init',
$this->classes[] = [
'name' => 'Forms\Fields\Layout\Process',
'hook' => 'init',
$this->classes[] = [
'name' => 'Forms\Fields\Layout\Notifications',
'hook' => 'init',
$this->classes[] = [
'name' => 'Forms\Fields\Repeater\Field',
'hook' => 'init',
$this->classes[] = [
'name' => 'Forms\Fields\Repeater\Process',
'id' => 'repeater_process',
'hook' => 'init',
$this->classes[] = [
'name' => 'Forms\Fields\Repeater\Notification
'label' => esc_html__( 'Page Title Selector', 'elementor' ),
'type' => Controls_Manager::TEXT,
'default' => 'h1.entry-title',
'placeholder' => 'h1.entry-title',
'description' => esc_html__( 'Elementor lets you hide the page title. This works for themes that have "h1.entry-title" selector. If your theme\'s selector is different, please enter it above.', 'elementor' ),
'label_block' => true,
'ai' => [
'active' => false,
'selectors' => [
// Hack to convert the value into a CSS selector.
'' => '}{{VALUE}}{display: var(--page-title-display)',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Stretched Section Fit To', 'elementor' ),
'type' => Controls_Manager::TEXT,
'placeholder' => 'body',
'description' => esc_html__( 'Enter parent element selector to which stretched sections will fit to (e.g. #primary / .wrapper / main etc). Leave blank to fit to page width.', 'elementor' ),
'label_block' => true,
'frontend_available' => true,
'ai' => [
'active' => false,
* @var PageTemplatesModule $page_templates_module
$page_templates_module = Plugin::$instance->modules_manager->get_modules( 'page-templates' );
$page_templates = $page_templates_module->add_page_templates( [], null, null );
// Removes the Theme option from the templates because 'default' is already handled.
unset( $page_templates[ PageTemplatesModule::TEMPLATE_THEME ] );
$page_template_control_options = [
'label' => esc_html__( 'Default Page Layout', 'elementor' ),
'options' => [
// This is here because the "Theme" string is different than the default option's string.
'default' => esc_html__( 'Theme', 'elementor' ),
] + $page_templates,
$page_templates_module->add_template_controls( $this->parent, 'default_page_template', $page_template_control_options );
'label' => esc_html__( 'Breakpoints', 'elementor' ),
'tab' => $this->get_id(),
$prefix = Breakpoints_Manager::BREAKPOINT_SETTING_PREFIX;
$options = [];
foreach ( $breakpoints_default_config as $breakpoint_key => $breakpoint ) {
$options[ $prefix . $breakpoint_key ] = $breakpoint['label'];
if ( Plugin::$instance->experiments->is_feature_active( 'additional_custom_breakpoints' ) ) {
$active_breakpoints_control_type = Controls_Manager::SELECT2;
} else {
$active_breakpoints_control_type = Controls_Manager::HIDDEN;
'label' => esc_html__( 'Active Breakpoints', 'elementor' ),
'type' => $active_breakpoints_control_type,
'description' => esc_html__( 'Mobile and Tablet options cannot be deleted.', 'elementor' ),
'options' => $options,
'default' => [
$prefix . $breakpoint_key_mobile,
$prefix . $breakpoint_key_tablet,
'select2options' => [
'allowClear' => false,
'lockedOptions' => [
$prefix . $breakpoint_key_mobile,
$prefix . $breakpoint_key_tablet,
'label_block' => true,
'render_type' => 'none',
'frontend_available' => true,
'multiple' => true,
// Include the old mobile and tablet breakpoint controls as hidden for backwards compatibility.
$this->add_control( 'viewport_md', [ 'type' => Controls_Manager::HIDDEN ] );
$this->add_control( 'viewport_lg', [ 'type' => Controls_Manager::HIDDEN ] );
* Before Save
* Runs Before the Kit document is saved.
* For backwards compatibility, when the mobile and tablet breakpoints are updated, we also update the
* old breakpoint settings ('viewport_md', 'viewport_lg' ) with the saved values + 1px. The reason 1px
* is added is because the old breakpoints system was min-width based, and the new system introduced in
* Elementor v3.2.0 is max-width based.
* @since 3.2.0
* @param array $data
* @return array $data
public function before_save( array $data ) {
// When creating a default kit, $data['settings'] is empty and should remain empty, so settings.
if ( empty( $data['settings'] ) ) {
return $data;
$prefix = Breakpoints_Manager::BREAKPOINT_SETTING_PREFIX;
$mobile_breakpoint_key = $prefix . Breakpoints_Manager::BREAKPOINT_KEY_MOBILE;
$tablet_breakpoint_key = $prefix . Breakpoints_Manager::BREAKPOINT_KEY_TABLET;
$default_breakpoint_config = Breakpoints_Manager::get_default_config();
// Update the old mobile breakpoint. If the setting is empty, use the default value.
$data['settings'][ $prefix . 'md' ] = empty( $data['settings'][ $mobile_breakpoint_key ] )
? $default_breakpoint_config[ Breakpoints_Manager::BREAKPOINT_KEY_MOBILE ]['default_value'] + 1
: $data['settings'][ $mobile_breakpoint_key ] + 1;
// Update the old tablet breakpoint. If the setting is empty, use the default value.
$data['settings'][ $prefix . 'lg' ] = empty( $data['settings'][ $tablet_breakpoint_key ] )
? $default_breakpoint_config[ Breakpoints_Manager::BREAKPOINT_KEY_TABLET ]['default_value'] + 1
: $data['settings'][ $tablet_breakpoint_key ] + 1;
return $data;
public function on_save( $data ) {
if ( ! isset( $data['settings'] ) || ( isset( $data['settings']['post_status'] ) && Document::STATUS_PUBLISH !== $data['settings']['post_status'] ) ) {
$should_compile_css = false;
$breakpoints_default_config = Breakpoints_Manager::get_default_config();
foreach ( $breakpoints_default_config as $breakpoint_key => $default_config ) {
$breakpoint_setting_key = Breakpoints_Manager::BREAKPOINT_SETTING_PREFIX . $breakpoint_key;
if ( isset( $data['settings'][ $breakpoint_setting_key ] ) ) {
$should_compile_css = true;
if ( $should_compile_css ) {
private function add_breakpoints_controls() {
$default_breakpoints_config = Breakpoints_Manager::get_default_config();
$prefix = Breakpoints_Manager::BREAKPOINT_SETTING_PREFIX;
// If the ACB experiment is inactive, only add the mobile and tablet controls.
if ( ! Plugin::$instance->experiments->is_feature_active( 'additional_custom_breakpoints' ) ) {
$default_breakpoints_config = array_intersect_key( $default_breakpoints_config, array_flip( [ Breakpoints_Manager::BREAKPOINT_KEY_MOBILE, Breakpoints_Manager::BREAKPOINT_KEY_TABLET ] ) );
// Add a control for each of the **default** breakpoints.
foreach ( $default_breakpoints_config as $breakpoint_key => $default_breakpoint_config ) {
'breakpoint_' . $breakpoint_key . '_heading',
Joint Rise Trading – Steel Fabrication & General Engineering
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Joint Rise Trading is a fully functional Steel Fabrication Company. Serving the needs of a broad spectrum clients in different industries.
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